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Abbey CofE Infant School

'Love, Laugh, Learn - walking with Jesus to life in all its fullness, John 10:10.'

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2 Year Funding

Two year government funded sessions offer 15 hours per week (38 weeks per year) if parents are receiving certain benefits and credits. They are offered in line with the Nursery Admissions Policy (see Policies)

Children are eligible for a FREE government funded place from the term after their second birthday.

There is no registration fee required when claiming free funding . Simply visit the website link below and bring along you Letter of Eligibility to the nursery office to arrange an allocation of our space.


Working parents may be able to access up to 15 hours funded childcare over 38 weeks from the term after they are 2 years old.  You must apply through HMRC the term before you want the place to start.


Our two year funded sessions are offered in the following way :


5 morning or afternoon sessions 8.30-11.30am or 12.00pm-3.00pm





Speak to Mrs Thirlwall, Mrs Chandler or Mrs Mullis in the office for further details.

Squirrel Room
