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Abbey CofE Infant School

'Love, Laugh, Learn - walking with Jesus to life in all its fullness, John 10:10.'

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What does Geography look like at Abbey?


Love, Laugh, Learn – Walking with Jesus to life in all its fullness – John 10:10





Intent                                                                                                                                      Our aim is to provide a Geography curriculum that motivates pupils to be curious and have a fascination about the world and its people. Children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding of the wider world and their place in it. We have shaped our Geography curriculum to provide children with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources, natural and human environments and both the human and physical features of our world. We promote respect and understanding of our local area through our exploration and study of it, providing opportunities for learning outside the classroom. The Geography curriculum promotes children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and enables children to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas. Our curriculum allows for cumulative progression of knowledge and skills in both Early Years and KS1 and intends to make explicit reference to prior learning so that a full understanding of Geographical knowledge is achieved. Through our Geography curriculum, children are inspired to be investigative and be curious which remains with them throughout their time at Abbey and beyond. we aim to provide a Geography education that encourages and inspires our children to be curious about the planet, develop their interest in the world around them and ask questions to deepen their understanding of people, places and the environment. .  It is our belief, that pupils should leave Abbey Primary School not only fully equipped with geographical skills, such as map reading, but also as globally minded children.



The Geography programme of study provided by the National Curriculum has been broken down to ensure both progression and coverage across KS1. Prior to this, the Development Matters curriculum guidance is followed in EYFS to enable secure foundations to be formed in the early stages of learning to enable progression. Geography is taught in units spread out over EYFS and KS1 this allows for a deep understanding of the subject to be formed. This begins right at the start of children’s education in Nursery, with Geography being integrated within the planned play in weekly blocks throughout the year. We use Oak academy Understanding the World unit plans in EYFS and Oak Academy Geography planning units in KS1.  Geography is taught through consecutive lessons to allow for misconceptions to be addressed and to allow children to become secure with the taught knowledge. Lesson units are supported by knowledge organisers which are shared with parents.


Planning is flexible and lessons may be adapted to allow for misconceptions to be addressed or to further learning based on teacher judgement, particularly to support and challenge SEND pupils and stretch the more able. School learning is investigative and hands-on, supplemented through field work and visiting the local area. Teachers make reference to prior learning both within and between units.



Children are inquisitive learners who enjoy applying their learning through practical activities. They ask questions and seek answers through enquiry, research and investigation. Outcomes in Geography books evidence a broad and balanced Geography curriculum and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge.  The high quality of the children’s work is represented through the different forms in which geographical evidence is presented, including posters, tables, maps, comparisons, drawings and labelling. Pupil voice demonstrates a secure geographical understanding and a keen interest in the subject.

Geography Vocabulary Progression

Geography Policy

Geography at Abbey
