What does Physical Education look like at Abbey?
Love, Laugh, Learn – Walking with Jesus to life in all its fullness – John 10:10
We aim to provide a curriculum that is inclusive and challenging for all pupils irrespective of religion, age, gender, ethnicity, language or disability. Teachers use the National Curriculum expectations and those set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage, with support from ‘The PE Hub’ Scheme and ‘Health Movers’ to plan. Our curriculum allows for cumulative progression of knowledge and skills from early years to KS1 and intends to make explicit reference to prior learning and development so that physical development is achieved. As an Infant school, we aim to provide the foundations in order to develop children’s physical ability through a love of competitive and non-competitive sport, developing their coordination and spacial awareness; while also encouraging team building. We also maximise physical activity throughout the day, through our play times and lunch times, as well as linking physical activity to other subjects where appropriate.
Teachers use the National Curriculum as a basis for planning, which is also supported by ‘The P.E Hub’ scheme; ensuring an enriching and engaging curriculum is provided. Children in Reception develop their skills through different activities, including:
Body Management
Speed Agility Travel
Manipulation & Coordination
KS1 further develop their physical skills through:
Attack, Defend, Shoot
Hit, Catch, Run
Send and Return
Run, Jump, Throw
Children in Early Years develop their physical skills through daily activities, developing their gross motor as well as their fine motor. This is additionally supported by ‘Healthy Movers’ programme.
Planning is adapted and amendments are made based on teacher judgement, particularly to support and challenge SEND pupils and stretch the more able. Teachers additionally link physical activity to other subjects where appropriate. For example, Year 2 linked ‘Dance’ within their History lesson and gained experience of different dances throughout the times, including The Jive and Twist. Each year group ensure the foundations are built in order for children to succeed in their following year at school.
We harness play times and lunch times for high quality physical activity, through the OPAL programme where children are encouraged to use their physical skills throughout their outdoor play.
We also offer a range of after-school clubs which further develop children’s love of sport and physical activity. Through ‘SH Active Sports’, children have access to multiple activities that they may not have access to outside of school. These have included Martial Arts, Laser Tag and Scooter skills. The option children have change on a termly basis to provide them with more opportunities. We do additionally provide access to Dance which is provided by members of staff who are Dance trained.
Children are more enthusiastic in engaging in physical activity, they are inspired through enrichment activities and visitors who have shown their physical success. Children have built strength and coordination through their love of physical activity and have gained confidence in their abilities. Children have built the foundations in order for them to succeed in their following year group. They enjoy participating in physical activity throughout their day in school.