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Abbey CofE Infant School

'Love, Laugh, Learn - walking with Jesus to life in all its fullness, John 10:10.'

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At Abbey CofE Infant School and Nursery we want everyone to love, laugh and learn.  We want every child to reach their full potential academically, spiritually, socially, morally, physically and emotionally.


Every child is unique and we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their best.  Many steps are taken to support our pupils on their learning journey.


Quality first teaching for all is essential; however for some children there are occasions when additional support is required.


A child is considered to have special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty which needs special education provision.


A child with a learning difficulty finds it more difficult to learn than the majority of other children the same age.  Or they might have a disability which hinders them from making use of resources and facilities that are generally provided for others.


We have a dedicated team who support children by providing the extra support they need so they can access and enjoy the full school curriculum.  We want every child to have the knowledge they need to succeed in life.


Information about how we support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can be found in our policy for SEND and our SEND Information Report.  Both of these can be found below.


If you have any questions or are worried about the progress your child is making then please talk to your child's class teacher or our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), Miss Boulstridge.


Together we can make a real difference. 

Elm Resource Provision


We are excited to be able to provide this provision for the children of Warwickshire with the support of the Local Authority.


Elm Class is a Warwickshire Resource Provision based within Abbey CofE Infant School which allows children to attend mainstream school, whilst accessing specialist provision. Elm meets the needs of children with communication and interaction (C&I) needs including autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) and speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).  Children in this provision will all have an Education, Health and Care plan and placement is agreed by the Local Authority Provision Panel.


To find out more information, please use the link below.



Neurodiversity Celebration Week March 2024

We have taken part in Neurodiversity Celebration Week.  We have been thinking about the many skills and talents of neurodivergent individuals.  We have been learning to understand, value and celebrate the talents of neurodiverse minds.

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

The SEND criteria and process at Abbey

How our curriculum meets the needs of children with SEND

Abbey Accessibility Plan

Warwickshire Local Offer


Warwickshire County Council provide a range of services to support children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Working Together Charter for SEND

Warwickshire Schools' Inclusion Charter

Warwickshire SENDIASS


Warwickshire SEND Information Advice and Support service (SENDIAS) offers free support to parents and carers of Warwickshire children and young people with any special educational needs and disabilities from 0 - 25 years of age.

Parent Support and Information


If you would like information on any area of special educational needs or family support then please follow the links below.  If you can't find what you need then please come into school and ask.

RISE Primary Mental Health Team


Parents and carers can book a one off consultation with a specialist primary mental health clinician where advice and strategies can be given.  This will be via telephone contact for the time being. This can be accessed by emailing or calling the following number 07917504682 to book. 

Primary Mental Health Service

Information and Advice for Neurodivergent Children - Autism and ADHD Support

Speech and Language Therapy

Providing support for children with communication difficulties.


Providing support for children who have gross motor difficulties.

Occupational Therapy 

Providing support for sensory and fine motor activities.

Family Information Service

Providing families with support so that you can access the correct service to support you.
